
You’ll find our classes do vary in style depending on who’s teaching, and all of our coaches are individual and authentic in their practice. Check out their bios to see who resonates with you the most.

Most of the classes are open to all levels, so beginners are always welcome, but we recommend letting us know if it’s your first class so we can give you some extra guidance.

A moving and mindful practice focused on linking breath to movement. This class is designed to open up and strengthen the body whilst leaving you feeling energised and restored. These classes are designed to strengthen the body's musculature and ligaments whilst developing flexibility. They will be tailored by each teacher and tweaked for the time of day they are offered.


These are slower practices;

Slow Flow 60 is a Hatha based practice, a more meditative form of Vinyasa Yoga. With fewer transitions than Vinyasa yoga and more flow than Hatha yoga, Slow Flow classes to help you find the space between poses while still retaining the gentle rhythm of a flow yoga class.

Restorative (Yin) yoga is a restful practice that is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. Allowing you to focus on your breath while releasing tension in your body.

Slow Flow.

This class is designed as an introduction to the practice of yoga.

A slower pace then all-levels, and focused on developing clear and safe alignment in foundational poses. It will be a Hatha and stretch focused practice perfect for beginners or anyone who wants to get back to basics or just have a good slow stretch. Come to learn, play, and maybe even break a sweat in a supportive environment. All bodies are welcome.

We might end with a longer relaxation and some yin postures for a relaxed and grounded end to your day.


Exclusive SOMA breathwork, meditation and mindfulness 60 minute session. SOMA breath work uses music specifically and scientifically composed using different frequencies to tap into the benefits of connecting to the breath. Sessions are 10-15 minutes of grounding meditation, 30 minutes of breathwork to the specialist SOMA music and 10-15 minutes of grounding and mindfulness.

Breathwork promotes resilience, reduces stress, increases productivity, enhances creativity, promotes a safe self aware environment, and endless health benefits of detoxing our minds to be able to focus on the present moment building a sustainable performance.


Restorative Yoga practice is great to balance with an active schedule, or as an alternative when you feel under the weather. Our parasympathetic nervous system (a network of nerves which allows relaxation after periods of stress) is activated by the practice of Restorative Yoga. It has many benefits such as: relaxing the body, stilling the mind, increasing the body's capacity to heal, boosting immunity and enhancing your mood.


Yin Yoga is a slower-paced form of yoga where poses are held for a few minutes at a time. This practice targets deep muscles, connective tissues, facia, ligaments and joints. Alongside strengthening our bones, hearts and minds! It allows you to create a feeling of balance both mentally and physically. Yin Yoga can also allow energy to flow more freely if experiencing blockages, increasing the health of internal organs.

Melt into your softer side, this restorative and restful practice is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching using lots of props as you are guided through releasing tension in your body with deep stretches.
